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Public Lecture: "Models of Social Work Practice in a Global City: Social Work Policy & Practice in Hong Kong" by Prof. Richard Estes

Prof. Richard Estes, Professor of Social Work in the School of Social Policy & Practice of the University of Pennsylvania and Visiting Professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences at our University was invited to hold a public lecture on “Models of Social Work Practice in a Global City: Social Work Policy & Practice in Hong Kong” on 23 February, 2012 at the Chung Chi College. The lecture attracted more than a hundred social work teachers, students and social work personnel to the public lecture. During the lecture, Prof. Estes identified four alternative models which inform the international dimensions of social work and social policy as practiced locally and globally. He also identified the historical origins and strengths of each model and presented case illustrations relevant to Hong Kong’s current social situation. The lecture was very stimulating that all the participants had probably gained significant insights into the models of social work policy and practice in Hong Kong.