Institution Sites
- Anhui
- The Institute of Sociology, Anhui Academy of Social Sciences
- Center for Social Structure Studies, Anhui Academy of Social Sciences
- Beijing
- The Center for Sociological Research and Development Studies of China (CSRDSC)
- The Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
- Department and Institute of Sociology and Anthropology, Peking University
- The Department of Sociology at Tsinghua University
- Institute of Sociology, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences
- Academy of Macroeconomic Research, NDRC
- Institute of Social Development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
- The Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
- The Institute of Population and Labor Economics (IPLE-CASS), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
- Chinese Art Anthropology
- China Population and Development Research Center (CPDRC)
- Fujian
- Institute of Sociology, Fujian Academy of Social Sciences
- Guangdong
- The Institute of Sociology and Demography, Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences
- Guizhou
- The Institute of Sociology, Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences
- Hebei
- Institute of Social Development, Hebei Academy of Social Sciences
- Heilongjiang
- Institute of Sociology, Haerbin Provincial Academy of Social Sciences
- Institute of Social and Technological Development, Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Social Sciences
- Henan
- Institute of Social Development, Henan Academy of Social Sciences
- Hubei
- Institute of Sociology, Hubei Academy of Social Sciences
- Hong Kong
- Department of Sociology, CUHK
- Department of Applied Social Sciences of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Department of Social Work - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Taiwan
- The Center for Survey Research (CSR)